SYMPOSIUM Transdisciplinary research for a healthy planet #2
EXEBIO, DREDI (External Relations and Development Department) , Doctoral school ABIES and the coordination of doctoral schools organized the second edition of the Transdisciplinary research for a healthy planet symposium
The EXEBIO International Institute for Bioeconomy and Environment, the Coordination of the Doctoral School, the ABIES Doctoral School and the Department of External Relations and International Development of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne were pleased to organize the second edition of the "Transdisciplinary research for a healthy planet" Symposium on February 15 and 16, 2024, at the Croix Rouge Campus in Reims, on the theme of:
"How can research respond to the challenges of preserving our planet?"
The opening lecture by Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Director of Research at CEA, Université de Paris-Saclay, was followed by a panel discussion for doctoral students entitled "How to spice up your PhD with an international flavor?", a poster session and 3 scientific sessions on "Climate change sentinels", "Preserving Ecosystems" and "Resources and Sufficiency", during which renowned speakers shared their expertise and insights into these major societal challenges.
Over 250 participants, including students, researchers, entrepreneurs and representatives of the business world, and 10 speakers attended this second edition of the symposium.
19 PhD students presented a poster, winners of the call for posters are:
1rst prize : Antoine ELIE, UMR CNRS 7076 L2n, Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT)
2nd prize : Amandine MORENO, UMR INRAE A 614 FARE, Université de Reims Champgne-Ardenne (URCA)
3rd prize : Mahasoa-Salina SOUVENIR ZAFINDRAJAONA, UMR CNRS 7312 ICMR, Université de Reims Champgne-Ardenne (URCA)